Sunday, March 13, 2011

March Madness!

Here we are 11 days in to our March crafting marathon, and we are still going strong... albeit a bit on the tired side.

We have been very excited by the response we have been getting from the new pieces we have posted to Etsy. Many of them have been favorited or added to lists by people from all over!

There are lots of cool things in the works so stay tuned!

Monday, February 28, 2011

So here we are, 2011. Sure it's almost March and I am just getting around to noticing that it's a new year. Well, better late than never, I suppose. 

Here's the deal, to get ourselves motivated we have started an informal challenge with ourselves. We are going to post a new item to our Etsy store every day during the month of March, 31 items in 31 days. But wait! There's more, we are adding new sections to our shop and branching out into new things.   

We even started early, posting our first button today
, a fab 1980s throwback that should make you smile.  That is if you remember the '80s... 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lights, Camera, Auction!

A few weeks ago we were asked by our friend Skochii to contribute some jewelry for the Quaboag Valley Community Development Corporation's A Call to Arms! 2010 Wine Tasting and Charity Auction Night. We are always game for a good challenge, and trying to come up with a set that would draw in some attention during a silent auction was definitely challenging. The big night is this Friday, but here, for you, are some sneak peaks of our Auction Set!

The inspiration for this set came from a recent trip to Brooklyn and the amazing botanical gardens where the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. The necklace features a hand cast resin pendant filled with cherry quartz chips and fresh water pearls. The rest of the set took it's cue from the pendant. The set features some great structure and texture. Here's hoping it raises some money for charity!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's beginning to look a little like X-mas!

We are trying to do our part, inspiring snow days, with our new snowflake bead ornaments. Each ornament is built of glass and a few plastic beads/bells on a wire frames. They made us a bit nostalgic for old school arts and crafts, especially the repeated spilling of beads. Check them out in the shop. And coming soon... holiday muffin pans + resin + glitter = all kinds of fun.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

What we did over Thanksgiving break

As public school employees, if there is one thing we are always thankful for this time of year it is Thanksgiving Break!

Not that we really took much of a break...

We posted some more items to the Etsy shop, met with a store/gallery manager in Westfield, MA about having some of our items up for sale (more about that later), and worked on some ornaments and other pieces (as you can see from the pictures).

But now that Thanksgiving has come and gone it is time to start thinking about that other holiday that is coming up...

Keep an eye on the shop and the blog... we are putting the finishing touches on some new items to stuff your stockings and deck your halls.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Swag! Get 'em while they're hot!

It has been a very productive weekend... I taught a computer class at WSPL, B took a ring making class, we finished off a few pieces, we took some photos (see B staging), we did a little shopping, made a pizza, oh and we finally posted items to our Etsy shop! Of course, you should go check them out, and marvel at our ability to get this show on the road.

Most of what we posted is jewelry: a floating-green-bead & metal-charm necklace, a pair of matching green bead earrings, a pair of red and black glass orb earrings, and resin-space-invader & glass-bead bracelet.

But that's not all! We also put up our first resin-filled ornament, and a demonic-bottlecap keychain.

Let it never be said that we are not fans of variety!

If you are having shopping overload, and don't want to poke around another store (albeit on-line) you can head over to our Picasa page and check out our photos.

We are just getting started and we would love to hear what you think.

Keep your eyes peeled, because we are going to have even more stuff popping up soon!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

social networking for the anti-social

So, we have been toying with the idea of running an Etsy store since this summer. We created an account, got us an email, and even set up this blog. Then we got down to business creating some fun and funky stuff. Then we got side tracked for a while dealing with some of the technical details. Do we need a business bank account? How do we do our graphic design when we lost our Kinko's hookup? How are we going to let people know about this? 

Well, we have ironed out some of the wrinkles and we may be up and running soon. Of course, I keep saying that... I wanted to be up and running by Oct. 1.... then Nov. 1... now I am just hoping to be up for black Friday...

We have some great merchandise ready to go and boxes to ship stuff in... we just have to get the  listings up and tell some folks to buy some stuff. It turns out that all of this is easier said than done...

We are one step closer though. We created a fan page on facebook and started a twitter account and now I have actually created our first post on our blog. Hopefully in the next week I will be able to post the celebratory post that our store is finally up and running!